Complianz Privacy Suite (v7.1.1) (GDPR/CCPA) Premium Download

Complianz Nulled
Complianz Nulled
Complianz Privacy Suite
Complianz Privacy Suite

Complianz Privacy Suite (GDPR/CCPA) Premium Free Download v7.1.1 | Complianz Privacy Suite (GDPR/CCPA) Premium Nulled v7.1.1 is a GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent plugin that supports GDPR, ePrivacy, DSGVO, TTDSG, LGPD, POPIA, APA, RGPD, CCPA/CPRA and PIPEDA with a conditional Cookie Notice and customized Cookie Policy based on the results of the built-in Cookie Scan.


  • Configure a Cookie Notice for your specific region: European Union, United Kingdom, United States, Australia, South Africa, Brazil or Canada. Or use one Cookie Notice worldwide.
  • Configure specific cookie consent per subregion, for example: European Union + TTDSG/DSGVO/CNIL or USA + specific states for CCPA/CPRA/CTDPA etc
  • Cookie Consent and Conditional Cookie Notice with Custom CSS and Customizable Templates. WCAG Level AA and ADA Compliant.
  • Banner Templates include: GDPR-friendly Cookie Wall – Accept/Dismiss – Consent per Category – Consent per Service
  • Banner Templates also include; Dismiss on scroll, time on page or both based on legislation
  • Cookie Banners and Legal Documents conform to WCAG 2.1 AA Accessibility Guidelines and ADA Compliance.
  • No jQuery Dependency


Complianz Privacy Suite Free Download Link

Changelog Complianz Privacy Suite Nulled

May 14th, 2024
Improvement: Updated Google Site Kit integration
Improvement: Detection of pages with shortcode query improved for sites with a lot of pages
Improvement: limit above query to pages only, props @georgestephanis
Fix: get_required_pages not existing for documents rest_api endpoint, causing a fatal error
Fix: Data is shared with this service not saving in cookies overview
April 29th, 2024
Fix: compatibility with Meta Slider plugin
Fix: unexpected behaviour when editing a new, unsaved script block in the script center
Fix: Detection of Really Simple SSL pro in other plugins section
Fix: don’t replace style src with #, as this reloads the entire page as style src, props @smerriman
Fix: prefill administrator email in onboarding email
Fix: undefined array key placeholderContent in Block Editor block
March 9th, 2024
Fix: Purposes were incorrectly set to ‘disabled’, while there should only be a condition limiting it to the US region only, props @cdhodgdon
Fix: Pixelyoursite + pinterest function name incorrect, props @theogk
March 5th, 2024
Improvement: clean up MPDF temp directory after pdf generation
Improvement: set aria label on x close button from banner
Fix: deleting cookies with disallowed cookie names causing fatal error, props @baffled
Fix: missing cmplz_deny_all() function for expired cookies with a changed cookie policy id.
Fix: cmplz_set_category_as_body_class() also iterating over objects instead of just class names, when parsing the body classes, props @tomnoir
Fix: due to changed setting usage, Complianz assumed TCF active in some situations, causing the banner editor not to function properly, props @vania2008, @jeanfrancois7
February 28th, 2024
Fix: force the ‘wizard_completed_once’ to be true for upgrades to 7.0.2, to prevent issues with banner not showing after upgrade, props @cometto, @riroweb2022, @katynen, @julianulmer, @iviadvagency
February 27th, 2024
Fix: catch COMPLIANZ class not loaded yet in cmplz_get_option, props @sizilianischekueche, @franktomas, @martinellimarco, @boinich
February 27th, 2024
New: Rework codebase to React Framework
New: Hybrid cookie scan
New: Menu-item ‘Tools’
New: Set cookies on root domain
New: Search for plugins and services
New: Statistics block on dashboard
New: Onboarding
New: consent mode
New: Greenshift + YouTube integration
Improvement: INP performance optimisation
Improvement: catch not isset region
Improvement: add banner title to css class
Improvement: extend YoTuWP blocklist
Improvement: whitelist video lightbox in Beaver Builder
Improvement: allow text in Clarity ID input field
Improvement: DNSMPI feedback on form
Improvement: Dropped temp dir from MPDF generation, props @piccart
Improvement: use custom transient to lower number of database requests
Improvement: Added a filter to delete Records of Consent if older than X days
Improvement: E-mail obfuscation now uses the antispambot() function
Improvement: Consent area on a Twitter embed no longer links to Twitter
Improvement: Improvement: Added translatable aria-label
Fix: Elementor popup blocked content not unlocking on refresh
Fix: per site activation of single site plugin on multisite
Fix: include banner id in cache key for page links, to ensure different banner data is respected across banner ids.
Fix: jQuery exists check in Elementor integration
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