Infix LMS Nulled (v7.0.0) Learning Management System

Infix LMS Nulled
Infix LMS Nulled
Infix LMS
Infix LMS

Infix LMS Learning Management System Free Download v7.0.0 | Infix LMS Learning Management System Nulled v7.0.0 As the digital revolution continues to transform education, the Learning Management System (LMS) has emerged as an essential tool for instructors and educators around the world. The market is flooded with myriad options, each claiming to be the best, but one platform that truly stands out is Infix a robust, feature-rich, and user-friendly LMS designed to empower educators and enhance the online learning experience.

Infix LMS Learning Management System Nulled boasts of a comprehensive suite of features that make it an irresistible choice for anyone looking to sell their courses online. With its customizable interface, powerful tools for creating and managing courses, and multiple monetization options, this platform has been carefully designed to cater to every conceivable need of course creators, instructors, and students.

As an instructor, you can create an unlimited number of courses, complete with quizzes embedded within lessons. Infix LMS Learning Management System free download allows you to choose from multiple upload sources, giving you unparalleled flexibility in course creation. Further, it comes integrated with Zoom for live classes, creating an immersive learning environment that boosts engagement and student satisfaction. If you prefer other virtual classroom software, separate modules for BigBlueButton and Jitsi are also available.

InfixLMS nulled is not just an LMS, but a fully-fledged marketplace. It supports both public and single-instructor options, offering a dynamic platform for selling your courses. You can also employ a variety of marketing tools, such as discounts and coupons, to attract and retain students.

The platform is designed to provide a seamless experience on both web and mobile devices, thanks to its Progressive Web App capability. This means students can conveniently access your courses from any device, anywhere, at any time.

In addition to course creation and management features, InfixLMS offers a plethora of administrative tools. The dashboard allows you to manage accounts, oversee instructors and students, and keep tabs on revenue. InfixLMS also includes extensive reporting features, enabling you to track your business’s performance and make data-driven decisions.

Beyond these, InfixLMS includes a dynamic certificate creation system, a customizable frontend CMS, a blog for content marketing, and a theme customization feature to match your brand’s aesthetic. It also supports multiple languages, RTL, and email notifications with templates.

Furthermore, InfixLMS introduces unique features such as SCORM support, a subscription system, and Amazon S3 integration for faster loading times and optimal storage.

As you can see, InfixLMS has left no stone unturned in ensuring that it provides a comprehensive solution for online education businesses. With an intuitive interface, unmatched customization options, and a vast array of innovative features, it is genuinely a complete package.

InfixLMS provides robust support through their support center and documentation, ensuring that you are never left alone in your journey. So, why wait? Explore InfixLMS today and take the first step towards revolutionizing your online course business!

InfixLMS: A robust, user-friendly, and comprehensive solution that turns online education into an exciting, rewarding, and profitable venture.


InfixLMS Free Download Link

Changelog InfixLMS Nulled

v7.0.0 (17 May 2024)
20th May, 2024

    Bug Fixed           : Missing language localization
                        : Payment gateway update
                        : Frontend design fixing
                        : RTL issue fixing
                        : Coupon issue fixing
                        : Multi currency issue fixing
                        : Frontend Homepage issue fixing
                        : Currency Symbol issue fixing
                        : Role Permission update
                        : Checkout page issue fixing
                        : Sidebar caching issue fixing
                        : Lesson complete issue fixing
                        : Virtual Class scope issue fixing
                        : Dashboard statistic issue fixing
                        : Notification issue fixing
                        : Certificate generates issue fixing
                        : Register custom field issue fixing
                        : Pdf viewer issue fixing
                        : Sidebar manage issue fixing
                        : Custom class issue fixing
                        : RTL issue fixing
                        : Email Template update
                        : Quiz submit issue fixing
                        : Gamification Setting issue fixing
                        : Gamification point issue fixing
                        : Gamification badge issue fixing
                        : Media Manager design & file limit issue fixing
                        : Student List design fixing
                        : Datatable Export issue fixing
                        : Profile Setting issue fixing
                        : Course Refund issue fixing
                        : Course Certificate issue fixing
                        : Popup content design fixing
                        : Frontend Footer design fixing
                        : Login & register design fixing
                        : After login redirect issue fixing
                        : Topic comment issue fixing
                        : Lesson Add Design update
                        : General Setting update
                        : Commission issue fixing
                        : Language Translation issue fixing
                        : Secret login issue fixing
                        : Cookie/GDPR Setting issue fixing
                        : Posted notification issue fixing
                        : Paid modules add features & issue fixing

    Feature             : Bootstrap 5 upgrade
                        : Backend panel design update
                        : Backend panel dark mode
                        : New Menu system added
                        : Currency API Request caching system
                        : Q&A Added for lesson
                        : Manually Certificate generate feature
                        : Push notification feature update
                        : Improve performance
                        : Improve caching system
                        : AmazonPayment module compatible
                        : TapPayment module compatible
                        : AstraPay module compatible
                        : Security level update

NB: Update from min version 6.5.1  to 7.0.0 Otherwise, the system will damage. Also if you have paid modules also need to be compatible with the new version.
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