Rey Theme Fashion & Clothing, Furniture Free Download
Rey Theme – Fashion & Clothing, Furniture Nulled v3.0.0 | Rey Theme – Fashion & Clothing, Furniture Free Download v3.0.0 | Rey theme Nulled is probably one of the most unique items on the WooCommerce market, being fit for Furniture stores, Fashion/Clothing & Apparel stores, Artists or Painters store, and many others. A Jack of all trades for ecommerce business.
Rey – Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme
Rey Theme Nulled is a well crafted WordPress theme, with lots of features, a gorgeous design and a rock solid infrastructure to provide a foundation for your upcoming projects. While it was mainly thought as an ecommerce dedicated theme, this is just a fraction of its powers. So you can safely use it for pretty much any type of website.
I’m dedicated exclusively to this theme and i want to continuously update it with features, improvements, fixes and new astonishing designs.
Feel free to reach me if you have feature requests. I have a huge list of features to do and your requests will help me prioritize them better.
Changelog Rey – Fashion & Clothing, Furniture Nulled
30 Jul 2024
Added new demo – Lagos (preview);
Added new demo – Warsaw (preview);
Added shortcode to include an Inline Image inside a heading;
Fancy menu, added option to control items distance;
Updated Revolution Slider to its latest version (v6.7.15);
Product item short description, added option for position;
Added “most wishlisted” Leaderboard in Woo Analytics;
Added “most wishlisted” query type in Product Grid;
Added “Top favorite” label for products;
In cart page, on mobiles, added a bottom sticky “Proceed to checkout” button;
Instagram Feed widget, added extra query and customisation options;
Blurry Slider, added option to set custom arrow icon;
Cover Split, added option to flip content with image;
Grid and Carousel widgets, new layout for developers (Custom Code);
Product badges, added text tooltip for Image type;
Brands attribute, added support for showing image preview in backend table list;
Updated Google Fonts list;
Added notice for the template library when importing a template which uses Containers, but they’re disabled in Elementor’s settings;
Variation Swatches in catalog, position after Price;
Blurry Cover, control social icons size;
Blurry Slider, new arrows position layout (side);
Product Categories/Attributes widget support for dropdown;
Compatibility with Optimized Controls option in Elementor;
Max quantity not keeping itself in cart (when adding more);
Mini-cart showing empty quantity field sometimes;
Button animated Icon effects, compatibility with latest Elementor changes;
Current Query (Original) in Product Grid not working anymore;
Tooltips in filters panel still showing up;
Some widgets custom icon control not working properly;
Request quote, fixed compatibility with WPForms;
Filters counter in Category pages;
Elementor legacy php error;
Compatibility with WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator;
Left margin for Add to cart button when Quantity disabled;
Checkout layout blank in Customizer;
Sticky add to cart bar, long titles pushing content;
Menu navigation widget, Categories not working with Vertical submenus;
Header Container in full width mode, side paddings not applying;
Wishlist popup’s Add to cart button not being clickable sometimes;
RTL scrollbar positioning in Mini-cart;
Product page global section stretch;
Embed video in product description and product blocks;
Wrapped skin with Product categories titles;
Wishlist products not refreshing when removing products;
Revolution Slider widget with v7 engine;
Gallery arrows display on mobile/desktop;
SideSlide cover, animated header entry fix;
Product Guide button, added loading state;
Posts widget thumb size if changed in Customizer;
Elementor widgets search not showing “rey” badge;
Heading animation on parent hover, not working for non-linked heading;
Stamp widget and RTL layouts;
Proto skin, bottom labels not showing;
Customizer Icons not showing in Chrome;
Container, mobile offset option not working;
Carousel offset padding in editor mode, not working;
ACF filters compatibility with Cyrillic characters;
Rey’s custom templates compatibility with Relevanssi;
Menu widget, vertical mode with multiple columns code optimisation;
Button widget’s icon animation options, compatiblity with latest Elementor;
Support for videos in Grid widget;
Product Grid widget with ACF field selected, in Category pages;
Export global sections not working anymore;